Ranid's Space

Blender BFRES Importer

I was fed up of spending ages ripping 3D models from Switch Toolbox and then importing them into blender and it would often be bad and require a lot of extra work, so I was fed up and just made a Blender Importer for BFRES files.

A Blender screenshot of Harmony from Splatoon

Splatoon 3 Gear Completion Checker

My first attempt at javascript in web design to make an easy to use web app to check all of the gear you own in the video game splatoon 3. Well the app is easy to use it's just getting the file to upload there. I also attempted to make the site look good on mobile as well! So check it out on your phone.

A grid of various labelled Splatoon 3 clothing


A blog I ran where I would rip files from Splatoon (wild). Eventually turned into a more general splatoon blog. I'm hoping to make a site where I can upload easily searchable model files, similar to VG resource but just for splatoon stuff.

A tumblr profile for 'splatoongamefiles' the title of the blog is 'Forever trapped in Switch Tooblox'

Trans Pack (No longer maintained)

A minecraft resource pack dedicated to recolouring a bunch of blocks and items to be transgender pride coloured. Also includes many other pride themed items. Feel free to fork it and update it for newer versions, make sure to credit me.

A minecraft screenshot with various items coloured with the transgender flag

Every Movie I've Ever Watched

Basically just my letterboxd profile. It took a long ass time to compile this so I'm counting it as a project. I also dont have enough projects to put here. Not all of these have reviews or even ratings. I am generally bad at rating things.

The letterboxd logo