Ranid's Space

Hi, this is Audrey, but you may know me as Ranid or Ranidspace. I go by They/It/Xe pronouns. I am not a web designer (which may be apparent). Feel free to look around. This website is severely unfinished!
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An incoherent rant about where programs store their files

2025-02-07, 10:36:00 a.m.

[I'm not proof-reading this I have strong emotions and a need to post]

I think if you wanna be productive you should keep things organized. I'm neither productive nor organized however I do try to keep everything clean and the thing that fucks with it the most is programs installing shit wherever they want.

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How to rip your own Splatoon (or other Nintendo) game files

2025-01-20, 5:22:00 p.m.

I have left all social media and I am still getting messages about people wanting me to rip game file things and yes I am going to work on the drive and have things updated now that they're not adding any more new content, but I also want to share my knowledge on how to do this so here we go.

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Site Backend Update

2025-01-15, 9:37:00 p.m.

I have moved this site from doing everything manually to a content management system, Jekyll, which means making blog posts and updating everything every time I want to add something new a lot easier. This is honestly really cool lol.

You can also now see that there's links to each post on in the title! So you can permalink to it. There's currently no "Blog" page, as the main page just is it, but idk maybe I'll do that at some point.

The Atom feed is also now generated automatically and thank god. Note that the IDs and stuff have all been messed around. So if for some reason you had my RSS feed on (please tell me if you do I'm so curious) I would just delete it and add it again to avoid any more weirdness, but it should be fine from now on.

This also means I can blog more! Like actual blogging whoa lol.

Um. I've started writing quite a bit! I've been inspired a lot lately so idfk look out for fanfics coming soon near you. I'm not adding it to my projects page you have to venture and find them yourself sorry </3

I'm Quitting Social Media lol

2024-12-16, 2:48:00 p.m.

I feel like every time I go on tumblr or bluesky or whatever shit everyone's complaining how everything sucks. I don't feel like anything is worth it like I wake up and spend an hour scrolling shit and then by the end of it who cares. I'm tired.

I'm hoping to spend more time working on this website and I encourage everyone to make their own websites and bookmark a bunch of other personal sites as well. I'm hoping to get into making an RSS feed so if u wanna you can just see these posts, but I don't really plan on doing too much with this.

Anyway thats all bye

Programs and Services I Use

2023-07-15, 5:03:00 p.m.
Updated 2024-01-02

I've decided to make a bit of a blog here in order to fill up this first page. So here's what I use when im on my computer.

I use Firefox. It is one of the only browsers that is not based on chromium. Google owns chromium and is cracking down on ad blockers and such, and firefox is much more customizable in my experience. Moving from chrome to Firefox was pretty easy and there's not much that I miss.

If you care about privacy (which you should), I suggest use these two extensions: Ublock Origin, LocalCDN.

Edit as of 2024-01-02:
Turns out that LocalCDN is ALSO not needed, and is covered by Ublock origin. i've been wanting to put this here for a while but i only did it now.

This list was actually a lot longer. I then later found out that a bunch of extensions I used were reduntant or very old. LocalCDN is just a fork of Decentraleyes, which is a lot more updated, Privacy badger and DuckDuckGo Privacy essentials is redundant with blocking trackers with Ublock origin. HTTPS everywhere is just built into Firefox these days, it's this thing:

A screenshot with text, a title saying 'HTTPS-Only Mode' and a paragraph of
text which reads 'HTTPS provides a secure, encrypted connection between Firefox
and the websites you visit. Most websites support HTTPS, and if HTTPS-Only Mode
is enabled, then Firefox will upgrade all connections to HTTPS.'

Firefox in general can be hardened for privacy but there's a lot of stuff that can break functionality and slow things down. Don't do everything on that page blindly, learn what they do first.

Moving on from Firefox, rapid firing some open source programs I use which was originally the fucking point of this blog post: 7Zip (please stop using winrar), Audacity (Use version 3.0.2! It's the latest version without telemetry), Droid-ify, Authenticator Pro (the repository should be included in Droid-ify), Syncthing, and a lot more stuff but thats the stuff i use daily

I would also like to take a moment to recommend Bitwarden. Stop using the same password on every site. This is basic security

Anyway, most people I know already know this stuff, I really just made this in order to get something interesting on this page. Happy surfing.